These are some examples of images that have been created by our students
Being introduced to the photography world has greatly impacted my life.
It allows me to express myself in a way that I can no longer do with words.
Suffering from PTSD has been a huge challenge for me these past few years,
and I finally have found my way of coping. My pictures are personal to me, and I
only hope that I can evoke powerful feelings in others as well.”
All I see beyond the lens is beauty, serenity and peacefulness, healing my wounds.
This image symbolizes my outlook and how it has changed through the lens of
the camera. By expressing my imagination and artistic qualities there comes a
calming, an almost absence of reality. Through fStop and the generosity of the
Tug McGraw Foundation, the world has become my field of view. I can feel a
new resiliency through the lens of my camera and a new language of unspoken
volumes, my vision no longer blurred, with hope and progress in sight.
To be honest I had stumbled upon the fStop course by chance. It was never really my intention to let it be my outlet, but it was a perfect match. I survived a fatal accident and could have lost everything. By luck or God’s might I survived. One minute I was playing cards with my friends the next I was waking up at the hospital with no recollection of how I got there. Now that I lived, I was stuck on the question why had I survived. Why me? I entered the course not looking for anything, but upon further reflection I have found the greatest form of storytelling. A tool that helps me answer why I have survived. Peace….
Many times we return home from distant countries and distant wars –but we
never really make it back. It feels beyond us to drop our packs and let go–
too much intensity and too much reality. The weight and effects follow us like
shadows that we cannot outrun and soon this stress affects those around us. No
matter how hard we work to bridge the two, we still find ourselves…….Far From
Growing up on the shores of Florida witnessing amazing sunsets and scenery
everyday was such a lucky experience. But as time went on I began to realize
how people became so caught up with work and stress that they started to
overlook the wonderful sights the world had to offer right in front of them. My
goal in photography is to help people see the “everyday ordinary routine” and
bring it back to life.
I signed up for the class through the fStop program because I always had a
desire to learn photography. This program has given me the ability creatively to
stay busy, which in turn keeps my mind off the negative issues I face daily. This
class has been very enjoyable for me due to the way Terence teaches the class
in a positive and fun way.
Time never stops, & a majority of the time, neither do we. Our days quickly turn into a decade
past, youth into old age. Photography gives us a chance to keep a piece of that past time & can
remind us that we all have something to be thankful for. I’ve always enjoyed taking photographs
since I can remember, but never truly realized that it is both an art & an irreplaceable piece of
history, until now. I love photographing the things that we pass day after day without a second
glance, capturing it in ways that provoke passers by to stop to take a closer look. Part of the
adventure of photography is discovering just how ordinary things can become quite extraordinary if
we only take the time to search from an uncommon perspective. I believe we can better cherish &
be grateful for life no matter what season or trials of life we’re in- by capturing these moments, as
each one is undeniably unique; so it shall never come to pass the same way ever again… It would
bring a smile to my heart to know if even just one of my photographs seized your attention for the
briefest moment of intrigue, curiosity, or better yet- if you walked away thanking the Lord for even
just one thing in your life.